Talk Show Host
"Caught on The Hook"
"Elite Talk" Show
Executive Producer
"Indie Elite Network"
"Survivorizer Network"
Clara, experiences what she feels is Hell On Earth after rape, abuse, loss, and many other traumatic episodes in her life. She spirals into a darkness, causing her to question God's intervention in her life.
While looking at herself in the mirror and feeling at her lowest, whispers in Clara's
ear from an unseen malevolent presence encourages her to give up all hope in ever
having a better life. The fear, brokenness, and pain attract more evil who enter the
very place that she thought to turn for answers, the Church!
Church hurt affects her life and countless others as portals open everywhere and
evil spills onto Earth to do... On Earth As It Is In Hell.
On Earth As It Is In Hell
The Sounds of Silence Are the Loudest
A serial killer emerges from the shadows of his mind. He is watching your children, are you? Children are abducted, their fear and adrenaline are valuable to him and others.
Manipulated by mind-control, or his penchant for murder, you cannot wrap your mind around what he is thinking. A familiar tune is whistled by the best detective on the force, he will get to the bottom of it.
Or will you?
Experience the birth, rearing, and life of an abused child,
whose tragic circumstances cause his mind to split.
With so many broken pieces, he cannot decide if he is to protect and serve or kill and destroy.